
10 recipes

Feast Day of St. Lucy

December 13th St. Lucy (also known as Saint Lucia) was one of the early Christian martyrs, killed because of her religious beliefs around 304 AD, during the reign of the Roman Emperor Diocletian Born into a wealthy family in Sicily, tradition says that Lucy, after […]

St. Andrew the Apostle

November 30th St. Andrew was one Jesus? first disciples. In fact, the Eastern Church considered him the first-called (Protokletos).  Like his brother Simon Peter, he was a fisherman in Galilee. After the Resurrection, he went out to spread the Gospel, mostly in Greece. Tradition says […]

Isaac Watts

Isaac Watts is called the Father of English hymnody.? He many of our favorite hymns, such as Joy to the World and When I Survey the Wondrous Cross. His works of music are now sung all over the world and inspired many future hymnist and theologians.

C. S. Lewis

C.S. Lewis was a famous Anglican writer and theologian. His work Mere Christianity inspired and continues to inspire many people to come to faith.?While a literature professor at Oxford University in Oxford, England he wrote many works which have become classics.

Christ the King Sunday

Christ the King Sunday, or Reign of Christ Sunday, is the newest high holy day of the church year. To celebrate we are making a Crown Roast of Lamb, one of the most beautiful and ornate entrees imaginable.

St. Elizabeth of Hungary

Saint Elizabeth of Hungary is the patron saint of bakers, nurses, and hospitals. For her feast day we are making an Hungarian sweet roll called a beigli. Beigli is a walnut roll that is a beloved treat in Hungary.

St. Margaret of Scotland

Margaret is the epitome of a Christian leader and the patron saint of Scotland. We are having warm and buttery Scottish shortbread biscuits to honor this saint. They are simple, yet a perfect winter treat, often associated with Christmastide.

Francis Asbury and George Whitfield

Francis Asbury (1745-1816) and George Whitfield (1714-1770) are evangelists, early Methodists, and founders of American Evangelicalism. We are making throat coat tea and journey cakes to remember these saints.

St. Martin of Tours

November 11th is set aside as a day to celebrate those who have served in the armed forces. However, hidden deep in the day is the Christian witness of Saint Martin of Tours.

All Saints’ Day

All Saints? Day, or Halloween as it is commonly known today, is an ancient celebration going back to the early church. We celebrate with with the original Halloween sweet treat, soul cakes!