Feast of St. Stephen

Cooking Through the Christian Year


Domenico del Barbiere. The Stoning of Saint Stephen. Engraving. The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1959. Sheet: 10 11/16 x 6 1/8 in. (27.1 x 15.6 cm). Accession Number: 59.596.26. New York City, New York. The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Feast Day of Saint Stephen – December 26th

On the first day after Christmas, we celebrate the first martyr of the church. There were so many people in great need during his time that he was called to be a deacon to help the poor. He answered the call and did many good works and miracles among the people, which upset the religious leaders of the day. They put him on trial and sentenced him to death, just like Jesus. Though he was stoned to death, he kept his faith and forgave his persecutors. His death, instead of slowing the Jesus movement, catapulted it to new life. All Christians who do acts of service to help the poor and downtrodden follow in his footsteps.

This day is a reminder to focus on helping those in need. In many English-speaking countries, it is called Boxing Day, which is a day to box up things you no longer need and give them to the poor. Before putting away Christmas gifts, we recommend going through your closet and giving away some things.

For feasting on this day, eat leftovers. They can be as simple as warming up yesterday’s lunch in the microwave, or you can use the leftover turkey carcass from Christmas dinner to make Turkey and Dumplings. Or maybe the best feast for this day is to give some food to the local food pantry. In doing so, those in need can have a nutritious meal, and you can have the joy of continuing Stephen’s work.